Are You Considering Divorce?

People get divorced for all kinds of reasons and sometimes for no apparent reason at all. If you are considering a divorce in Nevada, or if you anticipate that your spouse will be divorcing you, you should consult a Las Vegas divorce attorney as quickly as possible.

What are the leading reasons for divorce in the United States? What are the requirements for getting a divorce in the State of Nevada? When will you need to contact a Las Vegas divorce lawyer, and what will that lawyer do on your behalf?

If you will continue to read this brief discussion about the reasons for divorce and your rights under Nevada’s divorce laws, you will find the answers that you may need.

Why Do Couples Divorce?

Here is a list of the leading reasons for divorce, followed by a brief discussion of each reason. If anything on this list is currently pertinent to your own marriage, you and your spouse may be heading for a divorce:

  1. infidelity
  2. illness or disability
  3. having a child
  4. financial/employment changes or difficulties
  5. separation

Reason #1: Infidelity

A betrayal by a spouse who has vowed to stay faithful forever is, for many married persons, an unforgivable offense. Infidelity may not always lead to a divorce, but it always changes the perceptions and dynamics of the marital relationship.

When one spouse goes outside of the marriage, it can be difficult if not impossible to regain the other spouse’s trust. Extra-marital affairs are estimated to be a factor in twenty to forty percent of the divorces in the United States.

Infidelity often starts with an apparently innocent friendship or acquaintanceship which over time becomes more intimate. Some couples are able to work through an affair, but for other couples, an extra-marital affair is the proverbial “straw that broke the camel’s back.”

Reason #2: Illness or Disability

If a spouse becomes ill for a prolonged period of time, or if a spouse becomes disabled, the other spouse may have to take on unexpected, additional responsibilities. Illness and disability affect every aspect of a marriage, from a couple’s finances to their physical intimacy.

Although most marriage vows still include the phrase “in sickness and in health,” researchers have found that a chronic or terminal illness or a permanent disability can increase the likelihood of a divorce by up to seventy-five percent.

Reason #3: Having a Child

Kids can be a source of acrimony for many married couples. Even when couples agree to have children, that agreement is only the beginning of the challenges that raising children entails. The stress and anxiety of caring for infants and raising children can seriously damage a marriage.

The Journal of Family Psychology tells us that about two-thirds of all married couples report a decline in “marital bliss” after having their first child. Adjusting to parenthood is particularly difficult for anyone who is already prone to anxiety, depression, or stress.

Reason #4: Financial/Employment Changes or Difficulties

Studies suggest that financial issues – including unemployment and job relocations – cause two out of every five divorces. Stress triggered by financial problems can be as difficult to manage as the financial problems themselves.

When spouses have different spending habits or financial goals, or if one spouse earns substantially more than the other, those differences can push a marriage to the breaking point.

Unemployment can destroy a marriage quickly. New jobs entail new schedules and new responsibilities, and it’s easy for someone’s job, over time, to become a higher priority than the marriage and family.

Reason #5: Separation

If spouses are separated for an extended period of time for any reason, their marriage can be imperiled. Military couples in particular may experience difficulties when separated by relocations and deployments.

Of course, for some married couples, distance isn’t a problem if both spouses are confident and comfortable with the separation. However, a lengthy separation often raises questions about trust, planting seeds of doubt that may eventually lead to distrust, incompatibility, and divorce.

Couples in Nevada sometimes seek legal separation as an alternative to divorce or prior to a divorce. To learn more about legal separation, or to begin the legal separation process, you’ll need to speak with a Las Vegas divorce attorney.

What Are the Rules for Divorcing in Nevada?

To obtain a divorce in the State of Nevada, one spouse must reside in the state for at least six weeks. Nevada is a no-fault divorce state, so you do not have to accuse your spouse of wrongdoing in order to obtain a divorce.

An uncontested divorce in Nevada can be accomplished quickly – usually in one to six weeks – if both spouses agree on the division of marital assets, child custody, child support, and the amount of alimony payments. A contested divorce proceeding will cost more and take longer.

Nevada is a community property state. Income earned by either spouse during the marriage – and property purchased with that income – is owned equally by both spouses. In a divorce, assets and property are equally divided, unless the spouses voluntarily make a different arrangement.

When parents divorce in Nevada, the courts make custody and child support decisions based on the best interests of the child. If the parents voluntarily make their own custody and child support agreement, and if that agreement is in the child’s best interests, it will be approved by the court.

Selecting a Divorce Attorney

With over seventeen years of legal experience, Las Vegas divorce lawyer Rebecca A. Fuller represents divorcing spouses in and near the Las Vegas area. She will ensure that you’re treated fairly and justly throughout the divorce process.

Attorney Rebecca A. Fuller provides superlative legal services by speaking candidly and honestly to her clients, explaining every step of the divorce process, and advocating aggressively for her clients in contested divorces.

Fuller Law Practice will represent you in the divorce negotiations, help to resolve any disputes, and prepare the required legal paperwork. We’ll make sure that you get to keep what’s yours and that you receive the child support or alimony you may be entitled to.

If you choose to divorce your spouse, or if your spouse chooses to divorce you, call the offices of Fuller Law Practice promptly at 702-935-4144. We will review your case, work with you to identify your goals and needs, and bring your divorce proceeding to its best possible outcome.